The data driving transparency


Illicit Network Index +
LocalPEP Check

Evidencity's practiced methodology for unique datasets define the explicit and implicit relationships that big data cannot see.

  • Pre-sanction indicators

    To determine who is the most likely to be sanctioned.

  • Criminal actors and organizations

    Local knowledge of known criminal actors and organizations, their leaders and businesses.

  • Relationships between networks

    The relationships that exist between these two networks, and connections between illicit actors in the political and business world, and criminal underworld.

Illicit Network Index

The Illicit Network Index (INI) identifies and maps relationships between known bad actors and the undiscovered subjects in their networks. It is developed for entire jurisdictions, regions or specific communities
of interest. The INI is updated annually or as often as required.

LocalPEP Check

The LocalPEP Check goes deep into political exposure by focusing on municipal, state and federal public officials, and their first- and second-tier relationships. It is developed for entire jurisdictions, regions or communities of interest, and is updated annually or as often as needed.

  • Municipal-level politicians

    Including their families, political affiliations, known business associates, and connections to state and federal public servants.

  • State-level politicians

    Including their families, political affiliations, known business associates, and connections to municipal and federal public servants.

  • Federal-level politicians

    Including their families, political affiliations, known business associates, and connections to state and municipal public servants.

November 8, 2024
One aspect of the cross-border activity often goes overlooked : the Cartel del Golfo and Cartel del Noreste control human and sex trafficking routes to the United States—often with the complicity of Mexican authorities.
By Samuel Logan October 11, 2024
There are spaces where some of the world’s largest companies must operate shoulder to shoulder with bad actors, known and not.
July 16, 2024
The DRC has a deeply fragmented political landscape characterized by numerous political parties and armed groups - a legacy of decades of conflict and colonization. This fragmentation is rooted in the country's ethnic diversity and the lack of a strong central authority and institutions.

See how Evidencity

leverages unique datasets

Explore recent articles written by the Evidencity team researching global issues in the context of combating modern slavery, transparency and data.

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